Fast Track Course: (Prep for the CPC® and CCS-P® Exams)

Already a Medical Coding Student? or Studying on Your Own? This course is for you.

Who should take this course?

Are you currently studying for medical coding exams, or have previously done so? Have you attempted the CPC® or CCS-P® exam(s) unsuccessfully and now seek focused instruction and preparation? Perhaps you’re in need of a refresher course, or have specific questions about the medical coding concepts and / or guidelines. Whatever your situation, Fast Track is for you.  This is an independent course that can be completed in 2 to 6 months.

Fast Track Course

  • Professional Coding (CPC® / CCS-P® Prep)

Questions about AMCI?

Please call  1-878-999-8660 or fill out our online contact form.